
In the world of poker tournaments, an “Add-On” is a strategic option allowing players to purchase additional chips, typically offered at a specified point in the event. Unlike a rebuy, which is available during the early stages when players run out of chips, an add-on can usually be made once a certain level or break is reached, regardless of a player’s current chip stack.

The add-on period often coincides with the end of the rebuy period, marking a significant shift in the tournament dynamics. Players use this opportunity to increase their chip stacks, enhancing their chances of staying competitive as the blinds escalate. The cost and number of add-on chips vary by tournament, and understanding when and how to utilize this option can be crucial for long-term success.

Casinos and tournament organizers implement add-ons to boost prize pools and maintain player interest. For participants, deciding whether to take an add-on involves weighing the cost against the potential benefits, making it a key element of tournament strategy.