
In the world of poker, the term “All-In” signifies a high-stakes moment where a player bets all their remaining chips in a single hand. This bold move can occur for various strategic reasons: perhaps the player has an exceptionally strong hand, or they might be bluffing to intimidate their opponents. When a player goes all-in, they are essentially staking their entire game on that hand, signaling they are fully committed to either winning big or risking elimination.

Once a player is all-in, the game dynamics change. They can no longer make additional bets, but they can still win the amount they have bet from each opponent who calls their all-in. If more than one player remains in the hand, a side pot is created, and only the players with remaining chips can contribute to and win this side pot.

The all-in move introduces a dramatic flair to the game, often leading to intense showdowns. Whether it’s a calculated risk or a desperate gamble, going all-in is a pivotal point in poker, embodying the blend of strategy, psychology, and chance that defines the game.