
In a casino, the term “Cage” refers to a secure area where financial transactions and cash management take place. It’s the heartbeat of the casino’s monetary operations, functioning much like a bank for the establishment. The Cage is where players go to exchange their chips for cash, buy chips to play, and sometimes handle other financial services like cashing checks or wiring money.

The Cage is typically located in a secure part of the casino, often behind reinforced counters, to ensure the safety of the significant amounts of money it handles daily. Employees working in the Cage, known as cage cashiers, are responsible for accurately processing these transactions and maintaining the integrity of the casino’s cash flow.

Given its critical role in the casino’s operations, the Cage is tightly controlled, with strict security measures in place, including surveillance cameras and controlled access points, to prevent theft or fraud. In essence, the Cage is where the casino’s financial transactions are centralized, ensuring that everything from large-scale cash-outs to the smallest chip exchanges happens smoothly and securely.