Card Sharp

A “Card Sharp” is a skilled and often deceptive player who excels at card games, particularly in the context of gambling. The term carries a slightly negative connotation, as it typically refers to someone who uses their expertise not just to play well, but to manipulate the game to their advantage. Card sharps are often adept at techniques like card counting, sleight of hand, or other forms of cheating that give them an unfair edge over less experienced players.

Historically, the term conjures images of the classic, slick gambler who might use tricks to swindle opponents in high-stakes games. However, not all card sharps are outright cheaters; some are just exceptionally proficient players who understand the intricacies of the game deeply enough to exploit every possible advantage. In popular culture, the card sharp is often portrayed as a charming but cunning character, blurring the line between legitimate skill and dishonesty.