
In the world of casinos and poker, the term “Fish” refers to an inexperienced or unskilled player who tends to make poor decisions and frequently loses money. These players are often easily identified by more seasoned gamblers because they lack a deep understanding of the game’s strategies, often betting impulsively or chasing after losing hands.

The term is rooted in the idea that skilled players, often referred to as “sharks,” hunt these less experienced players, seeing them as easy prey. While it might sound harsh, the dynamic is a common part of casino culture. The presence of “fish” at a table can attract more experienced players, as they see an opportunity to increase their winnings.

However, everyone starts as a “fish” at some point, and it’s not uncommon for players to grow and develop their skills over time. In this context, the term is not just a label but also a reminder of the learning curve that comes with gambling.