
A “marker” in a casino is essentially a short-term loan provided to a player by the casino. It’s a form of credit that allows a gambler to continue playing even when they don’t have enough cash on hand. To get a marker, players must first establish a line of credit with the casino, which involves a credit check and approval process. Once approved, a player can request a marker for a specific amount, usually by signing a document promising to repay the loan.

Markers are used mainly by high-stakes gamblers who prefer not to carry large amounts of cash. If a player wins, they can easily repay the marker with their winnings. However, if the player loses, the marker becomes a debt that must be settled within a set period. Casinos take these loans seriously, and failure to repay can lead to legal consequences. Markers make it convenient for players to access funds, but they come with the responsibility of managing their debt wisely.